Kalaichi, also known as Bonduc Nut or Fever nut is a species of flowering plant or say large, thorny, straggling, shrub belonging to the plant family Fabaceae or Leguminosae (Pea family). It is a liana that reaches a length of 6 m (20 ft) or more and scrambles over other vegetation. The stems are covered in curved spines. Its 2 cm (0.8 in) grey seeds, known as nickernuts, are buoyant and durable enough to be dispersed by ocean currents.
Kalaichi has numerous health benefits when used properly. It is being used in traditional medicine since centuries and even modern studies qualifies its benefits to health. Some of its advantages includes, countering Malaria, Fevers, the paste made from its leaves and twigs is helpful in reducing toothache, boiled leaves are helpful in curing sore throats, it helps in controlling Diabetes, it can actually stop the growth of tumors , it is one of the best remedy for liver problems, and a lot of health benefits can be obtained from Kalaichi.